• More than a sketch

    I took myself to an art museum yesterday. The featured exhibit was of Botticelli’s sketches and some paintings. I laughed at myself upon my first interaction with the art, aware of how the first thing I was considering was “how am I being perceived as an art critic right now?” Honestly, it’s so embarrassing to write that but it’s honest and what happened. I had to relax my way into the experience and remember it was exactly that- an experience and not a performance. When I removed the obligation to have to “like” any particular piece, I was free to feel the way I wanted and exist in a way within the space that felt natural.

    In the freedom of observation, I felt like I was given the opportunity to time travel. I held Sandro Botticelli and his disciples hands and became witness to something that feels so ubiquitous in modernity and “grind culture” and is something that can also be painful and frustrating. “Process”.

    We are fed the adage, “trust the process”constantly, especially if you subscribe to the “self improvement”, “growth mindset” or even “fitness culture”. It isn’t stated without its merits- process is all life is: birth, growth and death in enumerate forms, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating, arduous or inclement (though sometimes process can be fun and joyous too). It wasn’t until I took time to really observe these drawings that I was able to gain perspective on what process is and its utility.

    Culturally, we are exposed to the aftermath of effort, especially with celeb-dom and influencers. We see the pretty, polished and coiffed but not necessarily the fumbles and first drafts. Though we are now more keened into the “behind the scenes”, I think silently there is still this belief that success, wealth, wisdom, strength, a cultivated physique “just happens”. We forget process and wish to bypass it- to see our way to the end goal- without working towards it.

    When I looked at the sketches, I saw process in a new light. I saw the machinations of a man’s mind, captured on a piece of paper. One sketch that I found to be the most captivating was “Drapery Study of a Figure: Kneeling to the Right”. The sketch was of an arm, reaching for something. The gift of the piece was in the incredible detail of the drapery and how it hung off of the subject’s arm. The sketch was so precise and so thorough. The artist clearly studied a component of life one may not ordinarily give a second glimpse. That is what made it so beautiful. I could not help but to be pulled into someone else’s process and see how a detail such as the movement of a piece of fabric was so focal to someone’s artistry. The effort and study of something inanimate was what brought it to life-motion and sway being captured so perfectly.

    What I found interesting was that sketches were a part of the process to create a painting, while it may be intuitive to some, it was certainly never anything I considered- the paintings don’t just happen with a few random strokes, there is a preparation and a study done before the work happens and harmonizes.

    I also learned that in the time of the Renaissance , when Botticelli was creating, artists took positions in workshops with notable masters, their artistic purpose was to create in the same way as their master. All artists under the same roof were working as parts to a whole. With a homogenized technique, each artist would contribute their craft- some to the background, some to clothing or floral details, the most adept were given human subjects. I was astounded by the collaboration and intention that occured in order for a masterpiece to be created.

    A painting as magnificent as “Primavera” (a painting which aptly depicts the growth of Spring) would not have been birthed if not for the gift and yielding to process. If not for the process of passion, the process of meticulous study, the process of sketch, of collaboration and assembly there probably would be no art to contemplate and appreciate. There would be no mind blowing details, metaphors or secrets with which to sit or argue. Without process, we skip the precious parts that make something truly incredible.

    I am so grateful to have explored the mind and intentions of a renowned artist. I feel held and supported on my own path with the brush strokes and attuned, hungry yet patient eyes of geniuses who have existed before me. They quietly acknowledge with the unveiling of their drafts, erasures and overlays; that the small steps and intimate processes are guiding us, surely toward our own unique mastery.

  • Fresh Air

    When I clean, I make a point to open my windows. I believe I am sending a message to myself and to the space I am in that change is underway. When I clean, it is never just about keeping up appearances, ridding my home of clutter and debris, rather, it is about ushering in a fresh start.

    Lately, I have felt a weight occupying my mental, physical, spiritual and emotional body. I have not fully identified the source of the weight and frankly, I doubt I really could. It has been with me for a very long time.

    I have been fighting this weight and the way in which it makes me feel cumbersome, unmotivated and sometimes extremely complacent. I do not recognize myself with this weight or the dimness it can bring to my reality and my sense of self.

    When I woke up this morning, the weight was there. It lays on top of me like a large cat, perhaps with a loving intention or just a desire to be fed. It likes to eat myopathy, drenched in lethargy, followed by a spoonful of resistance and a plate of victimhood. The weight breathes on my face, its breath is acrid and hot, forcing me to hide in my pillow and pull the covers over me tightly. The weight wanted to spend the day with me, promising joy and ease in idleness and dissociation and distraction.

    With every ounce of might I had, I got up and out of bed. The weight stayed with me this morning. It latched onto me like a child clinging to their father’s leg as he tries to walk. I gave the weight what it wanted but was still guided to move forward. I made a consorted effort with my higher self to keep trying.

    Trying meant making my bed. Trying meant lighting Frankincense and saying a small prayer to be a little bit better today than I was yesterday. Trying meant trusting that God could help me shake off the weight a little bit more successfully in the coming minutes, hours, days and weeks. Then, it meant looking at the dirty floor and grabbing a broom. With the broom in my hand, I had no choice but to set an intention for myself and my home. Today we were clearing things out, tackling the little things we had been putting off and removing some of the dust and dirt that was sullying us.

    I cleaned off my desk and opened the windows. As I took a moment to compose myself, I looked outside and noticed some daffodils and the sun hitting the deck a little more optimistically. I remembered the promise of spring in that moment and felt a wave of trust and pleasure rushing through my heart. It reminded me that nature has its timing, as do we. Maybe the weight has been a part of my own timing and my own bloom.

    In this moment, with a new sheen, fresh air and a little less mess I am given hope and the promise of more light and less weight.

  • Flames of love

    I see myself often engage with my own strength and sheer will to stoke and feed a flame. The flame (ironically) is often or always one that’s about love or another person. I often wonder too how much better off I would be if the flame I feed were my own.

    What if all the energy I give to building up another, loving and admiring and praising another- could be invested in myself.

    I recon with its difficulty and wonder why I find that process less gratifying.

    I made myself sick with mental anguish, depleted my steam and energy trying to keep a flame of a small spark going.

    I have to walk away again from lack, from wet wood and black smoke. Nothing can be cooked over this fire, no true warmth rendered.

    A flame is only as useful as it’s fed and if I know the formula I have to make peace with being my sole satisfaction and recognize truly when someone is enhancing or stamping it out.

  • Old Ways

    I finally understand what it means to be present. Not through meditation or anything like that. I recognized the way in which I let the past occupy so much of my present.

    I found myself revisiting memories with people I loved, experiences that meant something to an old version of myself and I felt so compelled and so certain to linger there mentally.

    It wasn’t until I felt the need arise in my heart to truly allow for change and freshness that I realized I had to make the perspective shift in order to see results.

    How could I make space for new love when I was still sharing my heart with people who I don’t see or talk to anymore?

    How could I make space to develop my body when the only lens I was seeing it in was clouded with the past lens of self loathing and judgment?

    How was I going to progress academically if I thought I was only capable of being a half assed student?

    How could Maddie today make new friends and build meaningful connections when the belief system of the past was telling me everyone was out to hurt me and tear me down?

    It wasn’t until I was seeing no ground covered, no needle moving on the gauge of satisfaction that I understood that I had to switch gears and be brave enough to leave certain things in the rearview mirror.

    I have no idea what will happen next and admittedly the need for control keeps me feeling safer in the old beliefs, old experiences and old stories- but the desire to see new land and feel new feelings is what’s pushing me to set my focus and sight onto something new.

    Presence is a practice and a mindset, it is an opportunity waiting for each one of us. It’s a chance to create a change and new chapter.

    Presence, I believe, takes a few deep breaths and a deep acceptance that setting down old burdens doesn’t make you less relevant, less experienced. Presence is like stepping into a new outfit, a new season. It takes its form around you if you relax and allow it to be there with you.

  • Stepping Out

    There are times when change comes for you whether you like it or not. It can begin as a small seed planted deeply in your mind and in your heart. It can remain dormant, unnourished and starved for days, weeks and months even- fear clouding the sun of confidence and action.

    And then one day the seed finds a droplet of wisdom, a ray of hope- something awakens it and rattles it into its blossoming.

    Sometimes I find myself in a loop, ignoring the seed of change that’s buried in me. I am aware of it’s presence only mildly and more than anything I am annoyed that I know it’s something with which I have to tend to eventually.

    I feel the need for a change in many parts of my life, behaviors and patterns that have resurfaced within myself show up and I see the need to step out of the loops of repeat offenses.

    In many ways I see where I make progress and in many ways I see where there is so much more to explore and pursue higher ground.

  • Equanimous heart

    I have found myself recently being visited by love. Love has arrived quietly and subtly in the guise of an old friend, an old flame. Love caught me off guard and I met it with a little bit of hesitation, a sprinkle of fear and to my surprise mostly acceptance and appreciation.

    This love is one that I have prepared for in my deep inner work; through conflict and pain from the past. This love is counter to my expectations and beliefs. It is not anything profound or sticky or overt. It is in the quietness and the simplicity of our being-ness that I feel love. It is in the things unsaid, the small gestures that love greets me. It’s the way in which his arm rests on my body and he kisses me in the night in a way that recognizes and honors my presence. It is the way in which he shares his face lotion with me or makes sure to leave a towel out after a shower. It’s how he doesn’t change who he is to be with me, but the way he subtly rearranges himself to share space, time and energy.

    It’s love that comes from friendship and a natural, telepathic understanding of one another, an energetic flow and grace that we navigate quietly.

    When fear has creeped in, I found myself seeking to control, to direct the current. I found myself begging silently for clarity of what was happening. I found myself trying to be more available than I needed to, I found myself becoming afraid of loss and gripping tightly through thoughts and beliefs in order to preserve the goodness and keep my heart safe. Fear had my heart sink when he left the safety and sanctuary of a shared bed, an embrace or the energetic container we made together.

    I found myself bending on my own principles, whether or not acted upon I found myself peeking at him in our space apart, wondering about him, imploring mentally for him to commit his heart to me because that’s what I needed to feel secure within myself.

    I spent a week anxious, vulnerable, untrusting and panicked. I was deeply moved by the love and opening of my heart and because of this opening, old poisons, fears and wounds and sadness had to fall out.

    I realized when I woke up today that love takes care of itself. That what is true and what is pure handles everything. There is no use in spending energy or space in trying to control something that is etheric, amorphous and uncontainable.

    I woke up today with peace in my heart knowing that everything is happening perfectly. That there isn’t a time table or even a clear direction for this love to evolve on, that asking something of myself or another is counter to growth and that it just happens slowly and certainly.

    I cannot speak for the trajectory of things, I cannot guess or know what this other heart will do but I can know myself enough and I can know the energy I am applying. To this love I can invest joy, delight, honesty and curiosity. I can invest nurturing and silliness, play and sensuality and I can let all of that energy be the seeds that are planted. They either grow or they weren’t planted in the right soil and there is nothing but neutrality in that.

    I woke up today at peace with stepping back, eager to return energy and passion into myself. Eager to meet myself with the same love I have poured out into another.

    I am at peace knowing that all we can do sometimes in these situations is be present with our love, be present with our hearts, be honest and let that be enough.

    I am at peace knowing that I haven’t given more of myself than I can. I am at peace knowing that if I need to pull away my energy or protect myself I know how to do that now. I am not afraid of pouring my heart into another because I know how to refill it and I know how to see when another person is able to reciprocate.

    Our love is at a point of parallels right now, with focus being on the self and the foundations of our lives as individuals. But the magic is what comes when we peak over the walls of our hearts, when we share the bliss of unity. I trust in what is silent. I trust in what is becoming and I am grateful

    To anyone navigating the waters of love, though I am new to learning this process and this pace, from what I am learning I can assure you that all you have to do is lean back. Let yourself be carried. If you are carried into conflict, learn from it and know when it’s time to swim away. If you are carried into peace, embrace it. If you are carried to some time alone, use it to grow within yourself. If you are carried into intimacy, explore it. Love is a gentle stream and all we can do is ride it and let it wash through us and over us.

  • Flowing over fighting

    Flowing over fighting

    The last few months I have found that so much of my own suffering has come from me asserting to the universe that the situations I arrive in are not ones that are intended for me. I have recognized within myself a fear that arises when I feel uncomfortable and when I feel challenged. I find myself fighting against the situation instead of flowing.

    I have spent a few months working in an internship which challenged parts of my personality, inspired feelings of defeat and powerlessness within me. I allowed the hard moments to be the defining moments for so long for me in that context and was letting misery and drudgery set the tone for the experience.

    I wanted to walk away so many times, upset and believing I had wasted time and energy there. In part my time and energy could have been used in more productive outlets or to make money as opposed to doing menial tasks. But I was stubborn about it and wanted to follow through on something as opposed to giving up. The idea of giving up to me felt icky and gross, I’ve worn that belief system too many times to find it fashionable any longer.

    After a really long contemplative talk with my mom who wants to see me in my strength, I decided to show up the next day and transform the environment and experience by transforming my mind.

    Things felt better and fresher immediately, I wish to say that the experience has improved a hundred percent but it hasn’t. I have had the gift of this experience, despite perceived waste of time, I now feel better equipped to handle discomfort and I know now better how to thrive and keep my own peace around others who try to disrupt it. I understand now that thrashing and fighting doesn’t always solve problems nor passivity.

    I recognized getting mad at the experience wasn’t going to make it any better for me and that there was always an opportunity within the situation to become better, more peaceful and disciplined.

    If you find yourself in an experience that wasn’t what you envisioned, may you find a way to shine brightly and diligently through it. May the experience be temporary and necessary for your highest growth.

  • Facing Fear

    I think we put ourselves in positions in life..in fact, I know we put ourselves in positions in life to prove to ourselves and remind ourselves of our own strength.

    I woke up this morning after a prophetic dream of a giant rat was trying to weasel his way into a door I was opening. When I woke up I was afraid, knowing the rat represented people, situations and environments in which I am involved. I tried to shake the feeling of the rat and the fear that I associated with him in my dream and now my waking life. I laid in bed, succumbing to overthinking and analysis of what could go wrong, who was untrustworthy and plenty of other reasons why things were wrong or unsafe or bad- all the rats in my reality.

    I woke up with fear tainting my vision of the day.

    I made a choice in the next moment to not let that happen. Fear clouds judgment and renders us lazy, apathetic and keeps us from progress. I decided even if I knew what the rat in my dreams symbolized, I wasn’t going to run away from it. I realized I was well equipped to face difficulty, I’d done it so often in the past, today was no different.

    I took another moment under my covers, the deciding point between hiding all day, letting the drama of what has or has not happened yet dictate the trajectory of events and my own personal momentum.

    I felt the morning sun coming through my window and with that, the promise and opportunity of another day. I decided to shed the cloud of the startling dream (without realizing in that moment I’d have to give myself grace with how long that would actually take, as releasing emotions is not immediate).

    With that, I say to you if you find yourself in a headspace where fears cloud the light, don’t give them more time than necessary. Fear can be healthy and reasonable but fear should not be the anchor or foundation on which we start our day, make decisions or build our life.

    If you have fears, challenging situations, conversations and people in your arena, greet them with a deep breath and the feeling of potentiality- trust that obstacles are temporary and surmountable. Trust in your own wisdom and power, may you conquer your rat with love and light.

  • The light that pours in

    All it takes sometimes is one moment, one breath and a moment of pure peace above all of the noise. In that moment you make a decision to stop listening to the noise. Suddenly it becomes so clear that the misery and suffering of being clawed at by all the bad arguments with yourself and the world, awful loops of pain and self induced and self perpetuated suffering, the cheap excuses and reasons “why not” to change, evolve or expand- are useless and just plain stressful.

    From that illumination everything is obvious, everything makes sense.

  • Heart renewal

    Heart renewal

    I applaud the courage it takes to get your heart broken, battered, bruised and trampled.

    I commend the strength and duress of a heart that continues to love despite the exhaustion it often endures.

    I wonder as we move forward in pursuit of love and connection, do we continue to bleed out the old lovers, the old hurts and make space for new memories and feelings?

    Are our hearts museums of past, snapshots of the present and empty canvases and forms for the future?